Sunday, November 1, 2009

Happy Halloween!

We had a wonderful Halloween in Raleigh. We cooked out at the Moores and were able to see lots of friends and family. Harmony and Grandpa came from Fayetteville to see Madeline in her bee costume. Grandmommy walked around with Harmony and myself and Madeline as we went to 3 houses just to let Madeline get the trick or treating experience. She loved it! She ran down the street to catch all the other kids, everytime we went to a door she wanted them to keep filling up her bag with more than one piece. Harmony (aka "Ha" as Madeline says now) had cookies to for Madeline to eat before hand, her favorite! After trick or treating the movie started, Monsters Inc outside on a big screen Andy had set up. I snapped a picture just as I looked over and Alli was covering Madeline's eyes. I asked her why she was and Alli said because this was the scary part at the beginning and she wanted to protect Madeline, very thoughtful cousin. We ate hotdogs, mac and cheese, baked beans, cookies and smores and got to be with family. It was a wonderful Halloween, except we did miss Paul not being here. These pictures are for you!

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