Thursday, March 18, 2010

Locked out!

Funny story today , now that I am back in my house. I decided to take Madeline for a quick wagon ride around the neighborhood because it was finally a nice sunny day today. We left just before dinner time, stopped and talked to a friend and then headed back home. When I got to my door I realized the door is locked, no worries we have a hidden key. Try to use the key it doesn't work for any door on our house. Great!? So I go to my friends house she comes to help and knows of our middle school neighbor who knows how to break into the lock on the door. I am up for it! He trys with no luck, I mention to him my other neighbor may have a spare key but she is at the school just behind us in a meeting. He says he'll try to go get his younger brother who has smaller hands and maybe able to break in easier. He takes a while so I wonder where did he go. Ends up coming back after running all the way to the school finding my neighbor and has the key to her house in hand so that we can look for my key in her house. Long story short, we are now safe inside after a yummy dinner with friends and thanks to all the neighbors involved!

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