Sunday, March 7, 2010

Madeline talking and reading

So I was in our den and walked into the kitchen with the video camera to catch Madeline reading her Kai lan book to herself standing on a box. She has become quite the talker. She will tell me what she wants and then if I don't do it right away she will pull my hand and lead me to the direction she wants me to go. She loves to take care of her baby dolls and pretend to cook meals with her play food in the kitchen. She will stop just about anything to come and help me stir something in the kitchen. She goes to the hourly childcare here on post several times a week and then plays with friends during my bible study hour on Tuesdays. I am noticing she likes to tell her baby dolls and younger friends what to do although most are too young to listen or to care! Madeline hasn't quite figured that out yet. We have really enjoyed getting involved in activities here in Germany and just love watching her learn new things everyday. I am going to try to get better at posting on the blog!! My new goal!


The Parsons said...

I showed the video of Madeline to Rachel and she was so excited to see her friend. Madeline is so cute and talking up a storm! Her hair has really grown also! Love the post. Hope you're doing well.

Carron Crew said...

We miss you guys too! It is so funny to watch their little minds learn so fast and pick up words and actions we do everyday!