Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Our little girl is sitting up!

Maddie is now a sitter! She doesn't stay in one place very long though. She either falls foward or sideways and then loves to roll all the way across the room! She had her 6 month old shots today and did well and thanks to Tylenol is sleeping well tonight.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Found a bug

Ok not a real bug but a stuffed one. Maddie became so excited like she had just discovered something new while dad is in California. Maddie and I are just hanging out here in GA. We went to church today and Madeline graced the nursery workers with a huge poop explosion, which she was due for one, but still at church?!

Maddie chowing down!

Madeline loves her rice cereal. We are planning on trying vegetables next week. Paul is all about taking some pictures with our little girl's face all messy.