Thursday, May 28, 2009

Madeline Portraits

We went to have Madeline's pictures taken today. She is 16 months old. This is the dress she is wearing for Michael and Sarah's wedding this weekend. We are so excited. The other dress is one that Harmony gave to her along with a new wardrobe of clothes! She has loved hanging out with all her family over the past several weeks. Is walking everywear, almost starting to run. Loves dogs, cats, birds, rabbits, any animal that moves, which should make her dad happy! She would much rather be outside than in. Hope everyone has a great weekend. We are heading to the mountains!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Palace Gardens and Spargel Festival

Spargel, white asparagas, very popular here in Germany. We went to the Festival just in the next town from us to enjoy the food and have a day out. I ate a Spargel crepe, actually pretty good. Paul had the German version of a steak sandwhich and Madeline ate mine. We then headed to the Schwetzigan Place Gardens to walk through. And then it was nap time for Madeline as she refused to ride in her stroller any longer!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Getting into everything!

These days Madeline is trying to climb and get into everything. Her little green chair is the newest. She can sit in it and then can't always figure out how to get out. The other picture is with her friends Victoria and Max. Their mom, Vanessa and myself took the kids to the Farmer's Market this past Saturday and we all managed to fit in one SUV with a double stroller, a jogging stroller and 3 car seats. We even made it in and out of a very tiny parking garage elevator. Go moms for making it out of the house and back with no major melt downs! Vanessa is my training partner in our new tone, cardio routine. The Abs diet we'll see how it works in 6 weeks!