Tuesday, December 15, 2009

December week

This past weekend we had Handy Manny tatoos put on our arms. Madeline could not figure out why it would not come off until she took a bath. We went to church Sunday and then ate lunch with the Parson Family. Rachel and Madeline played peek a boo with the table cloth! Today she had on the adorable black and red dot dress and walked around the house talking on the phone after we hung up with Paul. The yellow feather girl is the yellow bird costume Madeline is in her upcoming Chrismas play on Wednesday!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Susan's Birthday

We had a great dinner out at Waldhorn, a German restaurant, in Charlotte. I had filet mingon and black forest chocolate cake for dessert, yummy! Madeline and Rachel were great troopers at entertaining and holding out past their bedtimes! Thanks Lizzie, Wes, mom, dad, Michael, Sarah, Rachel, and Madeline for dinner!

Little Fun and Exhaustion!

Madeline loves to dress up and lately has been putting on her cooks hat and apron. She then decided to put on her cousin, Grace's bib. She loves saying Grace's name and talks about baby Grace all the time! Madeline "helps" in the kitchen most of the time by stirring anything! The first picture is how I found her this morning after I left her for a minute while she was watching cartoons.

Monday, November 30, 2009

Grandpa's Farm

Madeline loved the farm ride with her Grandpa on his hobby farm in Fayetteville over Thanksgiving!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Happy Halloween!

We had a wonderful Halloween in Raleigh. We cooked out at the Moores and were able to see lots of friends and family. Harmony and Grandpa came from Fayetteville to see Madeline in her bee costume. Grandmommy walked around with Harmony and myself and Madeline as we went to 3 houses just to let Madeline get the trick or treating experience. She loved it! She ran down the street to catch all the other kids, everytime we went to a door she wanted them to keep filling up her bag with more than one piece. Harmony (aka "Ha" as Madeline says now) had cookies to for Madeline to eat before hand, her favorite! After trick or treating the movie started, Monsters Inc outside on a big screen Andy had set up. I snapped a picture just as I looked over and Alli was covering Madeline's eyes. I asked her why she was and Alli said because this was the scary part at the beginning and she wanted to protect Madeline, very thoughtful cousin. We ate hotdogs, mac and cheese, baked beans, cookies and smores and got to be with family. It was a wonderful Halloween, except we did miss Paul not being here. These pictures are for you!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

In Fayetteville

Madeline went to her grandparents this weekend. She ate grapes right off the vine as you can see by the drool I believe she enjoyed them! They also went to a local farm where a little pony and Madeline shared stares. She is still recovering from a cold this week and we hope to be well and ready to fly to see Paul in Kansas on Thursday!

Monday, September 28, 2009


Madeline loves the ocean! She wanted to hold her grandmoms hand just in case but she loved the water. So much so her dress was very ocean wet when we returned.

A Bee and a Baby

I had Madeline try on her Halloween costume, which she wasn't too sure of, hopefully she'll get used to it before Oct 31! The other picture is Madeline feeding her baby doll, which used to be mine when I was little!

New Toys

So I thought I would wait until I gave Madeline these to play with while in Charlotte but just couldn't wait. She loves her dollhouse and puts all the people and furniture inside the house and then throws them outside the house. We are working on the word GENTLE! A baby stroller is another new addition and she pushes it inside and out and each day is learning how to put the babydoll in correctly (not upside down!) All finds from consignment sales!

Monday, September 21, 2009

Trying on Shoes

I walk into the den and someone put my running shoes on all by herself. She is really into tryinf on grownup shoes these days. She had a pair of my heels on the other day. If the shoes are sitting around you can bet Madeline will try them on. A girl that loves shoes, she truly is my daughter!

Friday, September 18, 2009

Duck Towel

For a little treat I bought Madeline a new duck towel, who knew this would cause this much entertainment. But it was and still is worth it. A fashion show came on. She now doesn't mind as much getting out of the bathtub since she gets to wrap up in her duck. She wiggles everywhere while in it and then it makes it very challenging to put on a diaper.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Discovery Place

Madeline, Alli, Caden, Kimberly, and myself went to Discovery Place downtown Charlotte to play. Only half of the exhibits were open but among them was a Kids play area which Madeline loved, a ship wreckage area with lots of recovered artifacts and then we watched the IMAX film Under the Sea. The film showed lots of underwater sealife and might of been a little advanced for our little ones but none the less it was a fun adventure day!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

First Day of Weekday Wee School

Madeline attends school in the morning at First Baptist Church where I used to go when I was her age. So it has been fun dropping her off and seeing so many familiar faces! She seems to be loving it and eats all her lunch that I pack her twice a week and falls asleep on the way home so I know she is wearing herself out. Just wish she would stay asleep when we get home and take a long nap! She has met several new friends and on Monday's it is just girls in her classroom so I am sure they have fun. Madeline is the quiet one in the group the teacher says. She saves her talking for when she gets home!