Saturday, August 1, 2009

New city!

We are all moved out of Heidelberg and now in our new town in Germany. We stopped by to look at our house we are going to be living in, which we are so greatful for. We just moved from stairwell apartments so a house is wonderful. We have been eating Greek food since they deliver here to the hotel and we don't move into our house until Monday. Madeline is doing well except for last night when she refused to sleep in her pack and play and after 3 hrs of trying we gave in and let her sleep in our bed. Which I vowed never to do. She is still asleep now so it must have been a rough night for her. She rode her first roller coaster yesterday at the Volkfest we went to, well it was Flinstones and went in a circle and sat on my lap but still! She is so Miss Independent now wanted to walk by herself, feed herself, and now plops down wherever we are if she is tired of walking and waits for us to come and get her. So stubborn too! Well I better run she just woke up!