Sunday, September 14, 2008

Our Apartment

Here are just a few pictures of the inside of our apartment here in Heidelburg. Today Maddie and I went to the dry cleaners to drop off some shirts and uniforms and then went by the post office. We are going to head out for a walk to the bakery after she wakes up from her nap. Our apt has furniture that has been loaned to us until ours arrives. We'll be glad when all our stuff arrives and we can make it feel more like our home than a college apt!


Anonymous said...

Your place looks nice an big. And your hair looks adorable! Can't wait to come visit. Miss you!

The Parsons said...

The APT looks great! It seems like you've got a lot of huge nice. I hope y'all are doing well.

Kim said...

I like the pics...hope you guys are doing well...miss you!